StatCat Reviews, the most advanced WordPress review plugin to create review sites, has become more powerful as we have just launched a new version of StarCat Reviews v 0.5. This version comes with a Comparison Table Add-on which many of you were waiting for.
Let’s see what in StarCat 0.5 in detail.
Comparison Table Add-on
The Comparison Table Add-on helps you to create a table to compare the various items that are being reviewed on your WordPress site. You can easily create a comparison table for any Post Type which you have included the StarCat Reviews.
Features of Comparison Table Add-on:
Compare Ratings of Various Posts
With the comparison table, you can compare the various rating statistics of the posts you want to in a tabled display. These posts must belong to post type that includes the StarCat Reviews in them.
The fields that can be compared can include both User Ratings and Author Rating along with the Multiple Rating Criteria (If used).
Embed the Table in Any Post or Page
This add-on gives you a comparison table shortcode [star-cat_review_comparison_table] that you can embed in any post or page to show the table. You have to include the post type along with the post ID of the posts that you want to compare in the table.
You can see the shortcode example below:
[starcat_review_comparison_table post_type="product" posts="213,245,256"]
Include Any number of Posts in the Comparison Table
You can include any number of posts to be included in the comparison table. You just have to add the post ID is the shortcode, to add the post to the table. There is a slider included in the table with which user users can slide to see the next post in the comparison table.
You can only compare the posts belonging to the same post type but you can embed the comparison table on any post type; be it Product pages, Blog posts, Review posts, or any other post type.
The Comparison Table add-on is a premium add-on that is available with the StarCat Reviews Business Bundle.